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Discover the 10 marketing and communication trends for 2024

The Do It On team has come together once again to research, analyze, debate, evaluate, validate and explore the changes and developments in the world of Marketing and Communication, which are set to change the way brands interact with their audiences and consumers.

From this process of reflection comes the latest e-Book which contains the main Marketing and Communication Trends for the new year ahead. The e-book consists of 10 predictions about future Marketing and Communication trends for 2024, which will have repercussions in a wide range of business sectors:

    Human Communication
    Digital Public Relations
    Democratization of Marketing Automation
    Humorous Content
    Artificial Intelligence in Communication
    Environmental, Social and Governance Attributes
    CX- Customer Experience
    Bio-Mimetic Design
    Local and Global Trends

“Our new e-Book doesn’t just reflect the future, it also looks at what the trends have been over the last few years and we can see that most of them have been fulfilled. In our time of analysis and evaluation, we tried to weigh up all the moments, past, present and future, to help us write an e-Book that allows us to explore the opportunities that will shape digital marketing and public relations in the coming years, highlighting the importance of being prepared for innovation and change, because we want to empower our clients to lead, not just follow, trends,” said Fernando Batista, executive director of Do It On, in a statement.

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Algarvornia - 10:49 @ SEO-Search Engine Optimimization, Travel/Tourism Marketing | Add a comment

Conheça as 10 tendências de Marketing e Comunicação para 2024

A equipa da Do It On juntou-se uma vez mais para pesquisar, analisar, debater, avaliar, validar e explorar as mudanças e a evolução do mundo do Marketing e da Comunicação, que deverão mudar a forma das marcas interagirem com os seus públicos e consumidores.

Deste processo de reflexão surge o mais recente e-Book onde constam as principais Tendências de Marketing e Comunicação para o novo ano que se avizinha. O livro digital é constituído por 10 previsões sobre as futuras tendências de Marketing e Comunicação para o ano de 2024, que terão repercussão nos mais variados sectores de negócio, e essas tendências são:

    Comunicação Humana
    Relações Públicas Digitais
    Democratização do Marketing Automation
    Conteúdo com Humor
    Inteligência Artificial na Comunicação
    Environmental, Social and Governance Attributes
    CX- Experiência do cliente
    Design Bio Mimético
    Tendências Locais e Globais

«O nosso novo e-Book não reflecte apenas o futuro, analisa também o que forma as tendências apresentadas nos últimos anos e percebemos que a sua maioria cumpriu-se. Procuramos no nosso tempo de análise e avaliação ponderar todos os momentos, quer passado, presente e futuro para nos apoiar a redigir um e-Book que permita explorar as oportunidades que irão moldar o marketing e as relações publicas digitais nos próximos anos, realçando a importância de estar preparados para a inovação e mudança, pois queremos, capacitar os nossos clientes para liderar, e não apenas seguir, as tendências», afirma, em comunicado, Fernando Batista, director executivo da Do It On.

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Algarvornia - 10:43 | Add a comment


New York - Faro - New York … The Americans are coming

Today’s announcement by United Airlines to ad more connections to the Old World (namely Europe) brought Faro more on the international travel map for Americans with passport.
From May 24. 2023 on, US Airline giant United Airlines will serve Faro Airport 4 times per week.

FAO connecting with EWR will bring the North American tourism market closer to the Algarve, or better, right into its heart.

Algarvornia United Airlines Newark (EWR) Faro (FAO)(1).png

For the US Airline it is the biggest boost in its Summer-Flights schedule in history and for the tourism industry in the Algarve a chance to win over a clientele that is usually booking their holidays in Mexico, Italy or France. [Read More…]

Algarvornia - 18:57 @ Travel/Tourism Marketing | Add a comment

What is currently happening in the marketing industry?

Brands are becoming savvier than ever about leveraging influencer marketing, creating ads that fit seamlessly into social media feeds, and integrating their e-commerce marketing strategy platforms with social media channels.

Algarvornia - 10:37 | Add a comment

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